lunedì 27 dicembre 2010

Dating Seiten Schweiz

Auf der Suche nach der schweizer Dating Seite? Kostenlos auf der schweizer Dating Seite anmelden und Frauen und Männer treffen.

Noch nie war online flirten so beliebt in der Schweiz. Dating war noch nie so einfach...kostenlose Anmeldung und Leute treffen.  Dank dem integrierten Chat ist es noch einfacher, schnell und unkompliziert mit einer Frau oder einem Mann ein online Date abzumachen. Die schweizer Dating Seite mit Pfiff.

giovedì 25 novembre 2010

Hotel Urlaub in New York City

Hotels New York – Eine Unterkunft für den Urlaub finden

Wer sich einmal New York anschauen will, sollte sich rechtzeitig um eine geeignete Unterkunft kümmern. Der große Vorteil ist, dass New York so gigantisch groß ist, dass jeder, der auf der Suche nach Hotels in New York oder einer anderen Übernachtungsmöglichkeit ist schnell fündig wird. Dieser Artikel zeigt, was New York alles zu bieten hat und wie es um Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten steht.

New York besteht aus insgesamt vier Stadteilen: Die Bronx, Staten Island, Queens und Manhattan. Egal wo man hin will, man findet in allen Stadtteilen ein enormes Angebot an Hotels New York. Wohin man gehen will steht jedem Touristen frei, jedoch ist es bislang so, dass die meisten Besucher und Touristen auf der Suche nach einem Hotel in Manhattan sind. Dies liegt schlichtweg daran, dass hier die meisten Sehenswürdigkeiten zu finden sind und man somit das meiste aus seinem Urlaub herausholen kann. Wer allerdings hier auf der Suche nach Hotels in New York ist, sollte schneller sein als die anderen und schon rechtzeitig buchen.

New York hat insgesamt knapp 8 Millionen Einwohner und zählt daher zu den größten Städten in Amerika und weltweit. New York ist eine wahre Metropole und hat wirklich für jeden etwas zu bieten. Billige Hotels New York zu finden ist allerdings nicht die leichteste Aufgabe, die sich manche Urlauber und Touristen stellen. Man sollte sich schon früh darum kümmern und sich nicht darauf verlassen, dass man noch eines der heiß begehrten Last Minute Angebote ergattern kann. Am besten man fragt direkt bei einer Agentur nach oder macht sich mit Hilfe des Internet selbst auf die Suche nach günstigen Hotels in New York, damit man auch ausgeschlafen für diesen Urlaub ist.

Man nennt New York auch oftmals, die Stadt die niemals schläft und wenn man ein geeignetes Hotel in New York gefunden hat, kann man sich selbst von diesem Mythos überzeugen. In New York herrscht ein beachtliches Nachtleben mit zahlreichen Kneipen, Bars und Diskotheken, in denen man sich stets vergnügen kann.

Design Hotels in New York sind in den letzten Jahren immer beliebter geworden. Diese Art von Hotels ist zwar etwas kostspieliger, rundet den Urlaub aber ideal ab und man fühlt sich wirklich wie ein König. In diesen Hotels in New York findet man stets eine topmoderne Einrichtung und kann sich regelrecht verwöhnen lassen. Wenn man vorhat mit seiner neuen Flammen die Flitterwochen in dieser Stadt zu machen, empfiehlt es sich ein Designhotel in New York zu buchen, um wirklich das meiste aus den Flitterwochen herauszukitzeln.

Sollte man mit den Kindern nach New York gehen kann man sich auch auf die Suche nach Hotels in New York machen, welche sich auf Kinder spezialisiert haben. Allgemein kann man sagen, dass ziemlich alle Hotels, die man in dieser Stadt finden kann, kinderfreundlich sind und man sich somit keine Sorgen machen muss. Wen man einen Tag mal ohne Kinder unterwegs sein möchte, kann man die Kinder auch betreuen lassen, so dass man einen Tag ganz für sich allein hat.

giovedì 9 settembre 2010

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martedì 7 settembre 2010

giovedì 26 agosto 2010

Replica Watches or real swiss made watches?

Obviously, watches have almost become an indispensable part of people¡¯s life nowadays, with Swiss-made-watches being the coveted target. Yet, it is impossible for everyone to buy a new watch of world-famous brand. As a result, the value of second-hand watches slowly comes to light.

As a matter of fact, second-hand watches enjoy much popularity for their irreplaceable advantages over brand-new watches. Although they may look a bit old in appearance, their quality and durability are by no means to be questioned. Valued second-hand watches, especially limited edition ones, are becoming increasingly popular as people pay more and more attention to watches of famous brands.

The basic reason many people choose second-hand watches is that those watches can enable them to reduce expenditure. As we all know, the price of second-hand watches is far less than that of the corresponding new watches. For ordinary consumers,spending a high amount of money to buy a new watch will inevitably disturb the balance between income and expenditure. So the choice of buying a second-hand watch instead could be counted as the wisest decision.

Next, the use value of these watches is the same as that of new ones. At this point there can be no dubiety. The function of these two kinds of watches is entirely the same, which ensures second-hand watches to reach the requirements of consumers in the current watch market.

In addition, used watches have very good collect value, especially some classical watches that will no longer be manufactured. They could also bring unbounded joy, excitement and enthusiasm for collectors. Moreover, sometimes second-hand watches even increae in value as time goes by.

Finally, the commercial effect brought by selling second-hand watches could in no case be undervalued. Take China market for example, it was reported that a man earned tens of thousands of yuan by selling two Rolex second-hand watches in HongKong. In fact, he bought them in Hangzhou for less than 68 thousand yuan each, but sold them at a high price of more than 100 thousand yuan each in Hong Kong market.

To sum up, second-hand watches have a huge market not only for their own irreplaceble advantages over new ones, but also for the huge commercial interests they can bring to investors.

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mercoledì 18 agosto 2010

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domenica 15 agosto 2010

Swiss made watches

All of us know that, Swiss-made watches are the most famous watches in the world. There are many famous Swiss luxury watches brands. Many people prefer Swiss-made watches very much. If you wear a Swiss watch, you are considered as fashionable and stylish. Especial the latest watches are most popular among people. However, the stylish and fashionable watches are sold at heavy price tags. People who are not wealthy enough have no choice but to stand away from those expensive watches.

It is no doubt that the quality of Swiss watches is excellent and the skills are sophisticated. Most Swiss watches are made of costly materials, such as jam, diamond, and carbuncle and so on. All of these reasons result in high prices, and only wealthy people can afford them. A famous watch usually cost thousands of dollars. It is really too expensive to those people who rely on monthly salary. They need to send more than six months of their salary for buying a original watch. It seems that is a little crazy.

It is no doubt that the demands of watches are very huge. How can common people own Swiss watches? Is there any watch that cost a little but looks the same as authentic one? Then replica Swiss watches turned up. Many manufacturers started to imitate those famous watches. The industry of replica watches is glowing very fast.

With the development of imitation techniques, there are multitudinous models of Swiss replica watches in the market. These replica watches are well followed to original ones. They are stylish and up-dated. The most important, they are cheap and quality. These watches are not made of costly materials, but their qualities are really good. Replica watches have the same styles and surface as original watches. Its price is from $100 to $400, which most of us can afford. If you like, you can purchase several pieces to match with your different clothes.

Do you want to join into fashionable group? Swiss replica watches will be your best choice.

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giovedì 5 agosto 2010


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The history of chocolate

The history of chocolate dates as far back as 1492 when Christopher Columbus set sail and found America. Christopher Columbus returned to Spain and presented cocoa beans to the King and Queen. At first these beans were shown little interest but then people began to see the potential in this exotic item.

Aztec Indians used these beans in a royal drink call "chocolatl" which means warm liquid. In the early 1500's an Emperor served "chocolatl"to his Spanish guests in big goblets fit for the gods. The Spanish didn't like this drink because of the bitter taste so can sugar was added to sweeten the drink. Everyone started to enjoy the drink now it had a sweeter taste to it and spices such as cinnamon and vanilla where added to perfect the taste. It was eventually decided that the drink would take better if it was hot rather than cold.

The Spanish grew these cocoa beans overseas for almost a hundred years without it being detected by the rest of the world. Spanish monks let the secret out about their "chocolatl" and people all over the world became interested. This hot chocolate drink became the drink of royalty in many countries and was seen as a drink only for the rich.

In 1847 the English make the first solid eating chocolate and from then on the options where endless.

If you wish to purchase chocolate I would recommend purchasing it online as you'll save money with voucher codes and cash back options.

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The Best Swiss Chocolate

Being Swiss somehow seems to make me an expert in matters concerning Chocolate. Friends, colleagues, neighbors who are about to travel to Switzerland never venture there without asking me which Chocolate they should try, buy or bring back. I am usually excited to share my opinion, unless in situations where a Belgium, French or other national from a Chocolate savvy country tries to start degrading the Swiss Chocolate. There I have no choice but to tell them straight out that nothing else reaches the quality (ever heard of Belgium or French Quality?) of Helvetic Chocolate. Just between us, and out of reach of Belgian, French or even Swiss ears, I actually quite enjoy all three, but since I cannot stand biased accusations, I have to result to defending my heritage.

So what do I recommend? First of all, no matter what Chocolate you decide to savor, the main thing is that you give it the attention it deserves. Which means, should your mind be in any way littered by taste crippling thoughts about calories or bikinis, do not even try. You are not worthy of eating chocolate. I am often told that people cannot believe I love chocolate, simply because I do not carry it around my midsection. Once and for all, it is not chocolate that makes you fat, it is you not being able to balance its consumption properly. A 100g bar should last you a week, not a day! And if does not, you are not giving it the respect it deserves.

Which brings me to the next important point: anticipation. Half the joy of eating chocolate is the anticipation. Imagining or remembering what it is going to taste like when it melts in your mouth. I have a chocolate moment every day, not a big one, but a well deserved one. The other great thing about anticipation: it doesn't have any calories either!

Last but not at all least: Quality! Buy the good stuff. No matter wherein North America you live, you can buy chocolate other than the low end Nestle, Hershey or any other of those 'we have to add other stuff because our chocolate is not good enough'-brands. The reason why people tend to eat as many of those evil 'cash registry lane pavers' is because they do not manage to satisfy fully and leave a craving for more.

Trust me. If you have a really good piece of chocolate, and give it the attention it deserves, you will be happy with just one piece. I used to gobble down bars almost unnoticed while reading books. That is the perfect recipe for feeling awful later, as soon as you close that feel-good story book.

Now, having said all that, which one to go for? Well, like anything else, chocolate tastes vary. More expensive does not always mean better. My sister for example prefers a Swiss grocery giant's own brand to an exclusive chocolatier's recipe. Dark chocolate has more of the good stuff and leaves you feeling satisfied with less. Too much of a cocoa content though can turn it rather bitter, which not everybody enjoys. Personally I do not go higher than 70% cocoa content, and even that usually would have to have something else in it counter balance the bitterness. As far as white chocolate, well, I do not consider it chocolate. Unless it is in some dessert mousse, I do not touch it. Here are my personal favorites:

Ovomaltine Chocolate: like the Ovaltine drink powder mixed in with milk chocolate; a pleasurable crunch without being too sweet. I cannot get it in Canada, therefore I guess the anticipation level is so high, it's ranked at first place.

Cailler Cremant Chocolate: my grandmother's favourite as well, dark chocolate, also great for dipping in a cup of warm milk. I am a little upset though that Nestle managed to gobble up Cailler and after my last visit back home, I had a feeling they changed the recipe.

Cailler Chocmel: same brand but milk chocolate with almond splinters and honey. First the chocolate melts on your tongue and then there is a wonderful after crunch.

Minor Chocolate: probably mostly due to the fond memories of accompanying my Dad every Sunday on his drive to the local kiosk at the train station to pick up his weekend paper. Needless to say a "Minor Stengel" always made it to the cashier as well. As their English website reads: The much sought after Branche is more than a delicious praline stick, it is a bite of delight.

Now, none of these widely available grocery store chocolates will compare to freshly made chocolate that you get when you enter a smaller boutique that makes their own. The sweet smell of chocolate in your nose will add much to the pleasure and although prices will dramatically increase, it is well worth it for a truffle or two.


Anne has been writing for many years, entertaining and educating many around the globe. You can check out more of her writings on landlord house insurance or find out what she has been researching on lumbar support pillows

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Swiss boxes are what antique music boxes are

Swiss boxes are what antique music boxes are usually called. They are like common music boxes that create a sound when operated, but what makes them valuable is their age. Involving yourself in collecting these highly valuable item require knowledge and some effort as well. Collectors find some of these as coveted but it looks like an old music box for a commoner's eye.

An issue for some is the Swiss music box's working condition. There are complaints that out of old age, some may have malfunctions or may be completely destroyed. So a careful appraisal is done to assess the music box's condition because prices of these items are not a joke. Some boxes that are not fixed gets depreciated and sold on auctions for a lower price where some collectors get it as well, solely for display purposes.

In addition, they can be the repositories of your memories as a couple, as a family, as friends and the like. They are the silent witnesses to various special occasions such as birthday celebrations, anniversaries, Halloween, Christmas and many more.

Types of Swiss music boxes include a smaller-disc shaped, and a cylinder one. Most were originally made in Switzerland, thus spawned the name. Nowadays, these items are very rare and most collectors seldom let them go. There are even pocket-sized Swiss music boxes that old men form the 19th century use. Yes, they were once a fashion statement as well.

Among the types of music boxes, disc boxes' manufacturing is cheaper. Because of its cheap manufacturing, more of these were sold by a lower price thus making them more appealing to buyers. This somewhat lowered the Swiss music boxes' popularity among the rich people and made them popular to the commoners instead. Then the Swiss music/jewellery box came, which appealed to some people because of its elegance. They were attracted to the fact that opening their glistening jewelleries is accompanied by a very beautiful music.

Now, with the slowly emerging trend of Swiss music box collecting, an issue arises - how do I repair my own box? This is one issue that troubles many collectors because professional hands or specially trained individuals are needed to repair these very delicate boxes. The parts are commonly fragile because of aging, rare parts, and some mechanisms are derived from old methods. And do you know what this means? You have to shell out a large sum of money for repairs alone.

Here's more on Swiss music boxes.

Richard Dean F. Basa

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Swiss Family Robinson

When we read Swiss Family Robinson, the children gained a greater love for the wilderness. We learned how to make signs with sticks and stones to indicate where we were. We learned how to make emergency shelters. We found out what wild foods were edible, and which weren't. We ate a lot of dandelions (both the leaves and the petals) off the front lawn, but we had to check if they had been sprayed with poison first. (Don't eat them if they have been sprayed!) The dandelions were bitter but very nutritious.

The children's vocabulary expanded as we used words such as "fortitude." We made a spear and arrows using obsidian arrowheads, sticks, twine, and feathers. (I cheated by using hot glue also.) We made a model of a raft using twigs and twine, and we learned how to do lashings. We hung a bag of food from a branch. We hung it so high it was almost impossible to get down. (At least the bears wouldn't have gotten to it either!)

We made traps for catching wild animals. The boys had to invent their own traps. My three-year-old propped up a basket with a stick attached by a rope. He hid behind a tree and looked very sneaky. Another son made a trap with two sticks holding up another stick. (I don't know exactly how the animal got caught; there might have been a hole covered with leaves nearby.)

We made a scarecrow and propped it up next to our vegetable garden. We hollowed out coconuts for bowls, after drinking the milk and baking butterscotch coconut brownies with the shavings. We made a spit for cooking dinner or hanging a kettle. We chose some seashells to use for practical purposes, like for a spoon to eat some soup.

We studied snakes by taping strips of paper together and making the snake the correct length. Then we drew the correct pattern on the back, and the children all colored it while I was reading an encyclopedia description of each snake. We learned which snakes were poisonous and which weren't.

We learned all about simple machines during these three months. Simple machines were mentioned throughout this book, making it an ideal science unit to do concurrently with the book. We built each of the five types of simple machines.

We watched the Disney video for Swiss Family Robinson, and we compared it to the book. There were many differences, the biggest one being the ending. Watching the movie made the children even more excited about building a tree house or fort. The kids each drew a tree house and colored it. After discussing tree houses and forts for many hours with my husband, we decided on making a solid fort with two floors. A rope ladder connected the top of the fort to the ground. The boys liked looking out over the trees from the top of the fort. A pulley was used to lower a bucket from the top of the fort. The children still love that fort to this day. It is our Swiss Family Robinson fort.

If you would like to have more unit study ideas, visit my website and sign up for a free e-book. Go to

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watches are not useful has become more and more popular

Nowadays, the idea that watches are not useful has become more and more popular, because telephones and computers have the function of showing time. However, in my opinion, people should buy watches because of the importance of having them.

First of all, watches are the symbol of being punctual. As usual, people who wear watches are regarded as having a strong sense of time and responsibility. Wearing watches enables people to develop a good habit of being punctual. What is more, watches are also the symbol of personal identity and taste. Especially on formal occasions, people wearing watches can receive respect easier than people who do not wear them.

Secondly, watches are regarded as the decoration for people. Today, some people like to buy watches, because they are beautiful and fashionable. Wearing them enables people to feel more confident and happy.

Thirdly, watches bring more convenience to see the time. Watches cannot be replaced by telephones and computers. Although telephones and computers are the main ways for people to see the time, they are not convenient on some occasions. For example, if we go outside, we cannot see the time on computers. If we are discussing an important project with a boss, we cannot take out of the telephone from the pocket to see the time, which is very impolite. But watches are able to solve these problems easily.

Lastly but not the least, watches are one of the factors of promoting the development of our economy. People are active to buy watches, which promotes the prosperity of the market and enlivens the market circulation. Gradually, our economy becomes more and more prosperous.

Unquestionably, watches have many advantages such as a symbol of being punctual, the decoration, seeing the time more conveniently and the factor of promoting the development of our economy. So people should buy watches not only for themselves but also for our society.

Viola has been writing articles online for nearly 4 years now. Not only does this author specializes in diet, fitness and public speaking, you can also check out her latest website on fashion items which reviews and lists the best replica watch to complete your look.

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Along with the rapid development of society - an increasing number of people have realized the importance of the watches. Therefore people have a much stronger desire to buy watches than ever before. Obviously, it is impossible for everyone to buy a new watch especially world-famous brand. The value of secondary watches comes on slowly and second-hand watches could largely satisfy the requirements of people.

I quite agree with the statement that the value of used watches could be reflected in many aspects. And this paper will describe several main aspects. To start with, used watches enable you to reduce expenditure. It is a common belief that the price of second-hand watches is far less than that of the corresponding new watches. For ordinary consumers,spending a high amount of money to buy a new watch will inevitably disturb the balance between income and expenditure. So it is the wisest choice for them to buy a used watch. Just imagine how happy you will be if you spend less money to buy a world-renowned watch. Next, the use value of these watches is the same as that of new ones, though second-hand watches are cheaper than new ones. On this point there can be no dubiety. The function of these two kinds of watches is entirely same, which ensures second-hand watches to reach the requirements of the consumers in the current market. In addition, used watches have very good collect value, especially some classical watches that will no longer be manufactured. They could also bring unbounded joy, excitement and enthusiasm for collectors. Finally, you could earn a lot of money through selling second-hand watches in market economy. At the same time, you could also make many new friends from all over the world. "Kill two birds with one stone" is really a meaningful thing!

All the analysis justifies an unshakable view that second-hand watches are of great value!

Cherry, an avid jewelry lover, is fond of collecting replica watch.

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Daniel Dreifuss  and four watch makers produce and sell their watches in the MAURICE DE MAURIAC study based near Paradeplatz , right in the centre of Zurich’s financial district. The innovative entrepreneur’s passion is to develop and produce distinctive chronometers , watches which bear his very own design hallmarks.  

He likes to combine business with ingenuity and loves being inspired by others; the infinite creativity in Karl Lagerfeld , visions and solitude in Coco Chanel , melancholy and depth in Leonard Cohen . But the boldness and independence of a Johnny Depp , or the mystery and subversive art of survival in Bob Dylan , too, can give him a kick that can, within seconds, trigger sustainable developments. 

The raw materials his exclusive chronometers are made of are cowskin, nappa or crocodile leather, dull gold or red gold, steel, titanium, carbon, black diamonds, and white diamonds. Due to the non-reflecting glass, the objects, instead of drawing attention to their outer appearance, conspicuously reveal – their inner life. The height and the gauge and the gleam of the red gold or steel case, the colour and the clarity of black or white diamonds each create a different atmosphere on the dial and give each watch a unique character. 

The most striking invention of Daniel Dreifuss is the “exchangeable bezel”. The dial, the watchband, the upper part of the case, and the glass can be individually chosen and exchanged according to the personal preferences of the client. Thus, each watch becomes an exclusive, a unique specimen. Just like perfume has to be chosen according to the quality of the skin, each client of Maurice de Mauriac can be sure to get a most distinctive watch perfectly matching his or her personality. 

History of the Manufacture

Daniel Dreifuss , born in 1960, first worked as management assistent, then, in 1989, changed to the field of promotional, jubilee, and company watches under the name of Dreifuss&Partners. Whilst connected with aesthetic, but commercially oriented products in the following years, he devoted himself to further studies and acquired the necessary knowledge to become a watch maker himself. His love of materials, scents, colours, and light, finally, led him to manufacture his very own collections. In the year 1997, he founded MAURICE DE MAURIAC – ZURICH. 

He views his company as a creative family enterprise – it was only after having met Claudia Ginocchio , the painter who later became his wife, that he truly learned how to develop artistic concepts.

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Sacher torte - San Valentino


cioccolato novi

Il cioccolato (o la cioccolata) è un alimento derivato dai semi della pianta del cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) diffuso e ampiamente consumato nel mondo intero. È preparato a partire dal burro di cacao (la parte grassa dei semi di cacao) con aggiunta di polvere di semi di cacao, zucchero e altri ingredienti facoltativi, quali il latte, le mandorle, le nocciole o altri aromi.
Il cioccolato viene prodotto nelle forme più svariate; la più comune è la tavoletta, ma, sia industrialmente che artigianalmente, il cioccolato viene modellato in forme diverse, specie in occasione di ricorrenze o festività - come nel caso delle uova di Pasqua.
Oltre a ciò, il cioccolato è anche un ingrediente di svariati dolciumi, tra cui gelati, torte, biscotti e budini.
Alcuni studi sembrano confermare che il consumo frequente di cioccolato possa condurre ad un particolare forma di dipendenza detta, per analogia con l'alcolismo, cioccolismo.[1] Altri studi dimostrano come l'assunzione di cioccolato stimoli il rilascio di endorfine, in grado di aumentare il buon umore.[2]
Il termine cioccolata viene utilizzato come sinonimo di "cioccolato" oppure per indicare una bevanda liquida a base di polvere di semi di cacao, nell'uso occidentale contemporaneo invariabilmente con l'aggiunta di zucchero (al contrario di come veniva consumato il cacao in bevande salate e speziate nelle culture precolombiane).